Apple Watch wasn't the only thing making news this week. Google made some big updates and we have found some resources to make you more efficient on Google and finally master all current social media image sizes.
- Goodbye, AdWords Destination URLs: Everything You Need To Know About Upgraded URLs in AdWords
MEGA message: Although a forced change, tracking ads just got a little easier.
- Google Webmaster Tools Adds Blocked Resources Report & Updates Fetch & Render Tool
MEGA message: This new report offers more insight into how Google sees your site so you can ensure you are within its guidelines.
- Welp, we feel ancient: What 9 popular websites used to look like [Infographic]
MEGA message: You're not the only one who needs a redesign!
- Google Search Operator Tips and Tricks
MEGA message: With all the time we spend on Google, any efficiency tips are more than welcomed.
- The Ultimate Guide To Ideal Image Sizes For Your Social Media Posts
MEGA message: Marketing efforts could always use some creative touches.